Word of the day: Emotion

This is another in my series of posts spotlighting some of the good circulating on social media. The word of the day is emotions. As an Enneagram 2, I have a lot of those:)

Over the past couple of days, I’ve found reassurance and a sense of community from several experts on the topics of fear and grief – two emotions I’ve had a hard time reconciling as part of the events going on around us. If you’re looking for some insight and encouragement around these topics right now, these folks below offer us some good advice.

I live in the shadow of Eastminster Presbyterian Church, and while I am not a member, I have long drawn peace from its physical presence. The predictability of the church bells has been especially comforting these past few weeks. Last week, the church’s FB page hosted a lesson about grief and how it affects us (scroll to post on April 3). Nancy Smith - a mental health counselor, wife of Eastminster’s pastor and a long-time family friend - led the session. This lifted my spirits with encouragement to write a little, read a Bible passage and ended with a guided mediation. Beautifully done!
Two women in Columbia I immensely respect in the mental health field are Rhea Merck and Amy Montanez. Their blog - Messy Marvelous - is back with several new posts specific to our current circumstances. I gained some calming insight from their discussions about change, uncertainty, failure and hope.

Cathy Rigg Monetti - a recently acquired neighbor, successful business owner and beautiful writer - has a regular blog series called TheDailyGrace. Her most recent post hit my inbox at just the moment I needed it. She gives some very concrete suggestions in a checklist format (something my disorganized mind craves) of very everyday things to do every day. My goal is to hit three each day. Just three for now.

In the wider world, I caught up with two of my favorite writers/thought gurus/insprirers/disrupters newest posts this week that left me feeling a little calmer and able to see things more clearly.
I caught Elizabeth Gilbert's (of Eat, Pray, Love and The Big Magic fame) TED talk podcast then stumbled upon her beautiful post (scroll to March 31) focusing on a lesson she learned about how living isn’t about your physical circumstances – rather how you live is in your heart and where you live is in your mind. No physical circumstances can change that.

And finally, one of my all-time favorite writers, BrenĂ© Brown, recently launched a new podcast called Unlocking Us. It was in the works to launch before the virus crisis hit, but the episodes that have run over the past couple of weeks are right on topic in helping us cull through the deep emotions of today’s world.
(I'm attempting a somewhat daily series of trying to share posts I find insightful or uplifting to use social media for good in these crazy times. Please note you may have to scroll down on some of the links here to find the posts I mention.)


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