Trying to use social media for good

(This was a FB post from March 25 that I'm reposting on RCP as requested by several friends. My hope is to find a (somewhat) daily practice of sharing a few social media posts that uplift, encourage, inspire or just make me smile. You can subscribe to get an email when a new blog post goes up - just email or follow @randomconnectpoints or FB, Insta or Twitter)

Yesterday’s post inviting my FB “lurker” friends out of the social media shadows got a huge response. Wow! I had no idea so many people would read my long post and send such encouraging words – both on FB and off (and yes, I did hear from a good many lurker friends.

I’d been trying to find a daily discipline to keep me connected to people and maybe this is it. I’ll try each day to post 2 – 3 uplifting or engaging posts that I see – things that inspire or encourage me and might do the same for you. I’ve pretty much blocked all the trolls and complainers off my FB page and am working to make it my safe space for connection. I hope you’ll join me.

I started my morning slow without my daily workout class, but got revved up with a live IG class (@jamie_scott_fitness) streamed by Jamie Scott Fitness. These run every day at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. I loved my class today. Give it a try.

Then I tuned in to Mary Chapin Carpenter’s periodic kitchen streams. I’ve been her fan since the 1980s and these streams from her kitchen feature her beautiful white Golden,  daffodils from her garden and a short meaningful story about the guitar she plays. Her melodic singing voice translates into a melodic speaking voice, bringing calm and peace to my kitchen. She sang one of my all time favorites – take a listen and see if your eyes don’t well up just a little.

My dear friend Lisa Castles owns a lovely antique shop in Aiken. I love her daily posts encouraging us to use our good silver and fine china. Her exquisitely curated post today makes lemonade out of  lemons (or at least cocktails out of silver shot glasses). Visit her shop online and see what else she suggests to make use of a lot of those fancy wedding gifts we received but never use.

Last night’s virtual uke Sip N Strum didn’t disappoint for the second week in a row. Our fearless leader Jessica Skinner (with her fiancĂ© sidekick Justin and ever-present pup Fennie) led us through some old favorites with patience and perseverance as always. I hope her virtual tip jar was overflowing by 8 p.m. for bringing joy to our usual SipNStrummers and guests who joined us last night. You can repeat the fun by just visiting her feed.

And the BEST news of the day … Anne Miller is starting  yoga on Zoom through the Rooted Community on Friday.


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