Music makes me smile

Another in my periodic posts spotlighting social media posts I have found uplifting. Today it's mostly about music.

One of the songs I’m working on learning in my Freeway Music - Downtown Columbia guitar lessons with A.J. Lang is “American Pie,” a favorite from my youth. While there are many theories about the meaning of this really really long song (about 8 ½ minutes), several of the song’s first lines kept looping in my head this week.
A long long time ago
I can still remember how
That music used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And maybe they'd be happy for a while

Yesterday, music did make the people dance in my neighborhood. Our much beloved neighbor was released from the hospital and rehab this week (nothing virus-related) and we organized a welcome home parade for him. It was all social distancing appropriate but seeing kids and adults alike literally dancing and singing in the street to welcome him home lifted lots of spirits. Thanks Ellen Schlaefer for posting some pix and Laura Ledlie and Cara Ledlie Condra for letting us do this!

During these crazy times, music does make me smile (and grit my teeth occasionally as I work through my daily practice). Saturday’s Freeway Music - Northeast's “Jam for the Fam” made me smile as several of their music teachers shared their talents as part of a fundraiser for the many instructors whose livelihoods have been interrupted by this crisis. Watch the archived post and support these local musicians if you feel so inclined.

Mary Chapin Carpenter posted another #songsfromhome from her beautiful mountain home with her Golden, Angus, keeping the beat by chewing on his toy. I’ve found myself putting her albums on repeat several times this week. Her words and voice are just soothing.

Several times daily I’m grateful for the bells at Eastminster Presbyterian Church. How Great Thou Art became part of my Sunday worship today. These bells are a beautiful constant each day.

My friend Erin Phillips Hardwick Pate shared a beautiful site on IG where she describes the music as “soothing the soul.” Check out #songsofcomfort in your IG feed. Just beautiful.

And finally today, I was reminded of the sacrifices so many are making by a post by my godfather’s daughter, Mary Edgar Berry in Virginia. It’s a very moving photo of her parents waving a flag while overlooking Hampton Roads sending the Comfort to NYC as a hospital ship. This had deep meaning for me as her dad and my dad grew up right there on Hampton Roads and dearly love the waters of that area.

(I'm attempting a somewhat daily series of trying to share posts I find insightful or uplifting to use social media for good in these crazy times. Please note you may have to scroll down on some of the links here to find the posts I mention. Also, some of these social media pages may be private).


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