Music makes me smile
Another in my periodic posts spotlighting social media posts I have found uplifting. Today it's mostly about music. One of the songs I’m working on learning in my Freeway Music - Downtown Columbia guitar lessons with A.J. Lang is “American Pie,” a favorite from my youth. While there are many theories about the meaning of this really really long song (about 8 ½ minutes), several of the song’s first lines kept looping in my head this week. A long long time ago I can still remember how That music used to make me smile And I knew if I had my chance That I could make those people dance And maybe they'd be happy for a while Yesterday, music did make the people dance in my neighborhood. Our much beloved neighbor was released from the hospital and rehab this week (nothing virus-related) and we organized a welcome home parade for him. It was all social distancing appropriate but seeing kids and adults alike literally dancing and singing in the street to welcome him h...