And like that ... it's 2017

Year-end invariably brings nostalgia, gratitude, melancholy and appreciation as we reflect on what we’ve gained, lost, learned and shared over the past 12 months.

Over the Christmas break, I spent a lazy morning reading back over the 40-something posts on this blog (no editing allowed, just reading). Back in early 2013, I started the blog as just a filing place for my personal writing. In April this year, I decided to tidy up the space a bit and push it out publicly.
The name, Random Connect Points, seemed appropriate since a common theme of much of my writing centers around the connections forged through the randomness of life.
While I was a little nervous about putting my writing out there so deliberately, I'm grateful for the random connect points resulting from sharing some of these pieces here. Until yesterday, I’d not looked at the analytics and am stunned by the number of readers who have stopped by. (If you're so inclined and would like to subscribe to get an email when new posts go up, email me or fill in your email in the top right block on the main blog page.) 
Like many things in life, the blog might be a little messy in places (there are some spacing and font issues I just can't resolve), so just ignore that as you would a pile of clothes on the floor.
I picked out a few of my favorite posts from the 40+ published. All have a theme of shared experiences with others.
  • The richness of a dog’s love – a letter from my Dixie to my friend’s Clarence

  •  The lovely random connect point that allowed me to figure out a friend I didn’t know until  recently had my  grandmother as her second grade teacher in Virginia 


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