Random Connect Points gets an upfit

Ten years ago this summer, I sat at the kitchen table at the beach and finally put together a blog for my writing. It wasn’t a pretty site. My design skills were non-existent. The design options for an amateur like me were minimal. At that point, it was just going to be a place for me to catalog my published writing and maybe post a few personal pieces I wrote.

Ten years and 162 posts later, I’ve finally gotten around to a reboot of Random Connect Points thanks to another quiet week at the kitchen table at the beach. I can’t say my design skills have improved but the options available to an amateur designer have increased. Maybe one day I'll get around to properly tagging posts and photos so the search feature will work, but for now, I'm happy with this!

My beloved yellow bike continues to grace the cover photo. The more modern “hamburger” drop down menu cuts down on clutter on the landing page. I’ve chosen a simple white background with a fun headline font. And finally after all these years, the post fonts match and photos have margins!

Over the years, I’ve written about fun, heavy, frivolous, silly and serious topics. Some of my posts have appeared in local weekly newspapers, professional publications and weekly e-newsletters. Some have gotten hundreds of views and others got just a few clicks. Some of my favorites are odes to things that stir my passions – my yellow bike, dogs, music, handwritten letters, rich friendships, travel, good writing habits, bookstores and books

During early COVID days, posts kept me connected to neighbors and far-off friends. Over the past two summers, the Blink Book Reviews have connected me with people who've expanded my reading choices. Several years ago, I shared the most random of connect points when I discovered my grandmother who had lived in Virginia taught one of David's high school friends in second grade.

One new feature of Random Connect Points is a way to subscribe. Just click on the “hamburger” menu and you’ll see where to click (or just click here). I promise I won’t sell or share email addresses!

The posts that have meant the most over the years are the ones that prompted someone to drop me a line, tell me a story, or let me know of a random connect point it stirred up.

I’m often told I can run across someone I know or someone who knows someone I know just about anywhere I go. These random connect points I discover are soul-filling for me. They remind me of the connectedness of our big, mysterious, sometimes troubled world. I get great pleasure from making these random connect points – both in writing and in person. Thank you for reading!


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